When Coronary Angioplasty is Required – Coronary Angioplasty (Stenting) Treatment cost in Delhi

When Coronary Angioplasty is Required – Coronary Angioplasty (Stenting) Treatment cost in Delhi

Coronary angioplasty is a surgical procedure that opens clogged heart arteries. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PTCA) is another name for it. Angioplasty is a procedure that involves inserting a tiny balloon catheter into a narrowed blood vessel in order to widen it and improve blood flow to the heart.

Angioplasty is frequently performed in conjunction with the implantation of a small wire mesh tube known as a stent. The stent keeps the artery open and lowers the chances of it narrowing again. Most stents are drug-coated to help keep the artery open (drug-eluting stents). Bare-metal stents are rarely used.

Angioplasty can alleviate symptoms associated with blocked arteries, such as chest pain and shortness of breath. Angioplasty is also frequently used during a heart attack to quickly open a blocked artery and reduce heart damage.

When Coronary Angioplasty Treatment (PTCA) Required?

Angioplasty is a procedure used to treat fatty plaque buildup in the blood vessels of the heart. Atherosclerosis is a type of heart disease caused by this buildup. If you meet the following criteria, angioplasty may be a viable treatment option for you:

  • You’ve tried medications and lifestyle changes, but they haven’t helped your heart.
  • You are experiencing worsening chest pain (angina).
  • You’re having a heart attack. Angioplasty can quickly open a blocked artery, reducing heart damage

As per Dr Rajiv Agarwal one of the Best Cardiologist in Delhi, Angioplasty is not suitable for everyone. Your doctor may advise that coronary artery bypass surgery is a better option for you than angioplasty based on the severity of your heart disease and your overall health.

You may require coronary artery bypass surgery if you have:

  • The main artery supplying blood to the left side of your heart is constricted.
  • Your heart muscle is in poor condition.
  • You have diabetes and several severe artery blockages.
  • The blocked portion of your artery is bypassed using a healthy blood vessel from another part of your body during coronary artery bypass surgery.

How Much Risk involve in Coronary Angioplasty Surgery?

Although angioplasty is a less invasive method of opening clogged arteries than bypass surgery, it still has some risks.

The following are the most common Coronary Artery angioplasty risks:

  • Your artery has re-narrowed.
  • Clots of blood form
  • Bleeding.

Other uncommon angioplasty risks include:

  • A heart attack occurred.
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Kidney issues • Stroke.
  • Heart rhythm problems.

Preparation instructions will be provided by your doctor.

  • Before angioplasty, your doctor may advise you to adjust or discontinue certain medications, such as aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or blood thinners. Inform your doctor about all medications you are taking, including herbal supplements.
  • You should avoid eating or drinking six to eight hours before an angiography.
  • On the morning of your procedure, take approved medications with only small sips of water.
  • Bring all of your medications with you to the hospital, including nitroglycerin if you use it.
  • Make arrangements for return transportation. Angioplasty typically necessitates an overnight hospital stay, and you will be unable to drive yourself home the following day. If any patient wants to book appointment with the Best Cardiologist in Max Hospital Saket or in Delhi – Dr. Rajiv Agarwal is one of the Best Heart Specialist in Delhi with more than 35 years of experience in the field of non-invasive and invasive cardiology can book the appointment through https://www.drrajivagarwal.in

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